Conserve Water

Conserve Water

Water conservation

Water is an important resource and a sufficient supply of clean water is essential to the health of both people and the environment. All of our food production and agriculture needs water

The raw material may appear to be plentiful, but worldwide, and even in parts of Ireland (particularly at certain times of year), it is an increasingly scarce resource. An increase in population in urban areas has resulted in increased pressure on Local Authority waste water treatment facilities and, in many instances, the inability to cope with the increasing volumes of waste generated.

Below there are some ideas on how you can help conserve water everyday. Check for leaks – they will be costing you money and wasting precious water. Know how to turn off your water supply – This could save litres of water and prevent damage to your home in the event of a burst pipe.

In the Kitchen

  • Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when they’re full.
  • Fill the kettle with just the amount you need-don’t fill it up each time and waste energy.
  • When buying a new washing machine,or dishwasher, consider purchasing a water-saving model.
  • Repair dripping taps by replacing washers – A tap dripping once a second wastes about 45,000 litres of water a year.
  • Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning.
  • Use the quickest cycle on your washing machine and dishwasher.
  • Fit aerators or flow-control valves onto your taps. These little screw-in devices cut the flow of water from the tap, and can save energy by reducing hot water use. You can pick these up online for between €6 and €7.
  • Steaming vegetables rather than boiling them can save water and also ensures that none of the vitamins and minerals are lost in the process of cooking.
  • Never wash dishes or vegetables under a running tap – use a bowl instead.

In the bathroom

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. This can save over 7,000 litres of water per year.
  • Fit aerators or flow-control valves onto your taps. Standard taps can run up to 15 – 20 litres a minute. Aerated taps can reduce water flow by 50%, they cause less splashing and the water supplied is still as effective for washing.
  • Take showers in preference to a bath (a bath use an average of 80 litres of water whereas the average shower uses only 30 litres).
  • Reduce shower time – A regular shower will use about 35 litres of water in 5 minutes. But beware a power shower will use over 125 litres in the same time.
  • Fit eco-shower heads in the bathroom and save up to 50% of the water used, which means you save money also as you use less hot water.
  • Use a low flush or dual flush toilet. Or place a displacement device such as a hippo bag or a bottle filled with water into the cistern – this can save 3 litres of water per flush.
  • Use chemical free cleaners.
  • Check for toilet tank leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear within 30 minutes.
  • Use a bucket to collect water for plants while you are waiting for it to warm up.
  • Don’t fill the kettle up unless you have to- only fill it as much as you need.
  • When washing your hands and face put the plug in the sink as this uses less water than a running tap.
Conserve Water
Water is one of our most precious resources

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